The Mentors and Me...
Domenico Ghirlandaio painting of An Old Man and his Grandson An Old Man and his Grandson by Ghirlandaio

The following is an index page of articles about some of the mentors and their effects on me. Some of the mentors knew that they were helping me to understand some issue and others had no idea that I was learning from them by way of their lifestyles. Some of my mentors are no longer with us, but their guidance lives on within me.

Excluding my parents and family, my mentors started with Brooks Oakford. They continued with Louie Palmer, Teddy Roosevelt, George Bernard Shaw, Bob Woodward, Joan Baez, Pete Seeger, Bobby Kennedy, T. E. Lawrence, Neil Diamond, Dylan Thomas, Jean Valjean, Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Gilgamesh, Steve Biko, Don Quixote, Andrea Bocelli, Christopher Hitchens, William Forrester, Anne Perry, Barack Obama, Steve Jobs, Aung San Suu Kyi, Randy Pausch, Ibn Battuta, Elizabeth Warren, Andrew Weissmann, Bo Bo Gyi, Eugene Goodman, Michael McFaul, and Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The following article is a historically and chronologically accurate composite of the mentors I have had in my life.

What I Learned Being Mentored thumbnail What I Learned Being Mentored An Old Man and His Grandson

The following is an index of some of the articles that I have written
about these mentors and their effect upon me.

A Parable about Geese A Parable about Geese Waddle or Fly
How to Become Rich How to Become Rich Without Any Much Money
My Grandmother’s Words My Grandmother’s Words Haunt and Inspire Me
Legends Often Morph into Facts What I Discovered When I Wasn’t Looking
We are made of star-stuff “We Are Made of Star-Stuff,” But We Don’t Realize It.
Bo Bo Gyi Bo Bo Gyi And His Advice to His Granddaughter
Legends Often Morph into Facts Kicking the Can Down the Road, Again 50th Mass Shootings in America This Year
Snow and Fatty Snow and Fatty Are Following in Ti Ti’s Footsteps
First, There was Jacques Cousteau First, There was Jacques Cousteau Now, There is Ti Ti
This Is a True Story... This Is a True Story... About Guts
Legends Often Morph into Facts Do You Hear the People Sing... Who Will Not Be Slaves Again!
What Would T.E. Lawrence Do What Would T.E. Lawrence Do In Gaza and Israel?
A Future Thanksgiving A Future Thanksgiving Far, Far Away
The Reason for Being The Reason for Being An Either/Or Situation
The Ripple Effect The Ripple Effect An Either/Or Issue
Sagan’s Golden Records Sagan’s Golden Records On the Horns of a Dilemma
Breath of Fresh Air Breath of Fresh Air From My Web Administrator
Lawrence of Arabia... Lawrence of Arabia... A Mentor of Mine
The Importance of Happenstance The Importance of Happenstance For Heavenly Clauses
Holding Hands with Neal Katyal Holding Hands with Neal Katyal What My Teacher Taught Me
            What I Learned In My Twilight Years Giotto Revisited
The Young and Fearless at Heart “The Young and Fearless at Heart” The Hope for the World
Gosh Josh Gosh Josh You Are So into Your Masculinity
Heart of Royalty Heart of Royalty An Either or Choice
Find Your Gift Find Your Gift And Gave It Away
Doubting Thomas Doubting Thomas Teaching Gilgamesh to Thomas
The Times They Are A-Changin’ Again The Times They Are A-Changin’ Again The Tennessee Three
A Suggestion of a Mentor A Suggestion of a Mentor A Sequel to Picking a Mentor Article
Picking Mentors Picking Mentors Choose Wisely
The Effects of the Sun’s Coronal Hole The Effects of the Sun’s Coronal Hole Be Prepared
NASA Discovered Six Massive Galaxies NASA Discovered Six Massive Galaxies So What?
Music Explains Me Music Explains Me Music Drives Me
Happy Birthday Moh Moh Happy Birthday Moh Moh And Many More
Jabbering Parrots Jabbering Parrots What We Can Learn from Churchill and Buffett
Threading the Needle Threading the Needle To Address Racism
Learning from Lao Tzu Learning from Lao Tzu To Live Life Daringly
Learning from Two Astrophysicists Learning from Two Astrophysicists About this World
Fatty and Bo Bo Gyi Fatty and Bo Bo Gyi Addressing Our Nation’s Problems
What’s It All About Alfie? What’s It All About Alfie? From an Eighty-Year Old Alfie
My Quest for Eldorado My Quest for Eldorado In Three Parts
The Benefit of Pain The Benefit of Pain Take Advantage of It
What Drove My Father and Drives Me? What Drove My Father and Drives Me? Pain
It’s All About We It’s All About We An Important Lesson of Life
I Wish that I Had Asked My Father I Wish that I Had Asked My Father About WWII
Repeating the Past...Part II Repeating the Past...Part II Tokyo Rose
I Could Hear the Silence I Could Hear the Silence While I Raged
Problems are Assets Problems are Assets Seize the Problems
My Way My Way Morphing to My Mentoring
A Picture is Worth a Billion Words A Picture is Worth a Billion Words Or Pick Your Mentors Wisely
If You Are Looking for a Mentor... If You Are Looking for a Mentor... I Have a Suggestion
My Twilight Hauntings... My Twilight Hauntings... About Immortality
Camelot Revisited Camelot Revisited By Looking Again at the Past
Growing Up Without Transparency Growing Up Without Transparency And Finally Discovering It
Trying Times Trying Times Testing Souls
Picking Mentors Will Change Your Life Picking Mentors It Will Change Your Life
Narcissus of the Past And Narcissus of the Present
One of My Mantras Gals Pick Your Mentors Carefully
A Lesson About Life… Don’t Fear Death…
My Place in the Universe I Don’t Want to be Lost in Space
Grasping Reality While My Clock Is Ticking
Building Castles in the Sky Pushing the Limits of Possibility
Heaven and Hell What’s It All About, Alfie
When Choosing Mentors… Think
Seeing the Future At Least Three Times
My Family in Myanmar: A Sequel to What’s It All About
Where Do We Draw the Line in the Sand? It Depends
Ginger and I What’s It All About and Why?
The Helter-Skelter Mindset1 Locally and Globally
My Personality Quirks… I Have Several
More Parallels Between Myanmar and America Aung San and Bobby Kennedy
My Dream of Diversity In the Footsteps of Bobby
Diversity Is the Answer But What Is the Question?
“Better To Reign in Hell… Than Serve in heaven.”
A Reason for Being… The Most Important Reason for My Being
Moh Moh’s Roles in Our Family: My Daughter and My Mother
I Love My Family With Some Caveats
Archimedes and the Syracusia It’s All About Dreaming
Waking Up… To Getting Old
“The Moving Finger Writes” Another Teaching Moment
I’m the Reincarnation of Bo Bo Gyi According to Fatty
It Starts with Education… And Ends with Reform.
From a Ripple to a Raging Current Based Upon Reciprocity
A New World Order The World from Campbell’s Perspective
A New Ripple And a Purposeful Life
The Duality of Changing Times Change, and We Change
Societal Dreaming Delayed but Not Dashed
A Dream Delayed Or a Dream Dashed
A Ngal Lay Sent Me Pictures and a Video About Our Time Together
Revisiting Gilgamesh A Teaching Moment
My Great-Granddaughter… A Ngal Lay
Realizing the New Normal What’s All About, Alfie?
What Can We Learn from Art? The Answer Is….
Gandhi’s Tribute to Moh Moh For Her Indomitable Will
Sir Gawain, the Knight Doing What a Knight Does
A Follow-Up to Snow’s Email Another Teaching Moment
We Are Cave Men But What Is Our Purpose in Life?
Happy Birthday, Snow Time To Remember
Write On Advice from PaPa Al, aka Grandpa
The Little One, A Part of My Family
Ti Ti is Sweet Seventeen Happy Birthday
The Haunting Question Which Sir Launfal Are You?
He Is My Brother On This Pale Blue Dot
A Religious Disconnect A Human Disconnect
Learning from Collecting Written by a Collector of Treasures
Are You Looking for a Mentor? This is My Advice
A Survivor’s Guide For Living in a Post-Trumpian World
A Trilogy of Choices Either Rewriting History, Editing History, or Reliving History
I Told You SoPride Goeth Before Destruction
Meghan, Harry, and ArchieAddress Royal Racism
What Demosthenes, Bobby Kennedy, and Gilgamesh… Could Teach Mumbling Mitch
We Over Me… Or Me Over We
Getting My Second COVID Shot… And Immortality
A Tale of Two Countries And a Present-Day Theme and Variation of Life
Stopping in the WoodsWhile Dreaming Dreams
There are Facts…And There are Fake Facts.
Purposeful LivesOn Steroids
A Secret About LifeHow To Be Successful
The Devil Made Me Do It. A Presidential Duet
Amazing Grace Or More of the Same Insanity
This Is an AddendumTi Ti, the Bridge Builder
From Then to NowWhat a Difference Seven Years Has Made
Masks Matter…To Some
Two PoemsBy Two Ladies
A Present Day Parable for AmericaIt Is All About Sharing
There Is More to Dreaming…Than Just Dreaming
"Give Me a Place to Stand...And I Will Move the World.”
Ti Ti’s Spin on My WeltanschauungAnd Mine on Hers
It Is All About FamilyAnd Who Makes Up Our Family
Our Reason for BeingDiscover It
Regarding Dancing with CoronavirusCampbell’s Five Commandments
Trump’s NemesisPresident Obama
I Don’t Like FailingModus Operandi
Think Before You ActThen Dare Greatly
How Playing Scrabble Changed My LifeWho Would Have Thought?
The Republican TrinitySessions, Bolton, and Roberts
A Present-Day ParableWhich Can Be Understood
My Swan SongAnd My Family’s Swan Song
I Found Another Incarnation of Bo Bo GyiWhile on Inle Lake
I Found Another Incarnation of Bo Bo GyiWhile on Inle Lake
Trump and Stalin Every Pictures Tells a Story
Carl Sagan The World Learned Much from Him
Wanderlust Travel with No Regret
I Wander and Wonder But I Am Not Lost
Three Songs Morphed Together Creating Meaning in Life
The Purpose of the Universe Or My Window on the World
Warren Buffett Don’t Sleep Walk Through Life
The Wall Issue The True Value of a Wall
Pa Pa Al’s Grandfatherly Advice To Ti Ti Who Doesn’t Need It.
Reflections on The Magnificent Seven…
The Magnificent Seven… My Dream Team
On Making Your Mark And Leaving It
Sexism in Society Especially in Washington
Jack and Owen Jack and Owen Make Bananas Flambé
follow-up thumbnail My Follow-Up… To My Email To Ti Ti
question thumbnail The Question Is… How Will You Be Remembered?
attempt-to-do thumbnail What Would You Attempt To Do If You Knew You Could Not Fail?
water-horse thumbnail The Water Horse of Loch Ness And Our Water Horses of Life
bobby-runt thumbnail Bobby the Runt Turned into Bobby the Leader
meaning-of-life thumbnail My Thoughts about the Meaning of Life My Perspective from My Twilight Years
another-breakfast thumbnail Another Breakfast with My Shrink Dealing with Dreaming
Dreaming Dreams  thumbnail Dreaming Dreams that Never Were... Asking Why Not.
Picking Mentors thumbnail On Picking Mentors Pick Carefully
Kepler Looking thumbnail What is Kepler Looking For? Intelligent Life in the Universe
Tattoo of Pooh thumbnail The Tattoo of My Pooh and Me Ginger and Don Quixote
Ashley and Michael  thumbnail What I Owe Ashley and Michael Wall Removal
I'm On the Road Again thumbnail I’m On the Road Again But Why?
When Dreaming  thumbnail When Dreams Aren’t Realized What Should You Do?
Akhenaten thumbnail Akhenaten... My Mentor
Get Educated  thumbnail Get Educated— Travel
Essay with No Words thumbnail Essay with No Words But Look At My Eyes
Me and My Shrink thumbnail Me and My Shrink Dealing With What Drives Me
Ti Ti Poem thumbnail Ti Ti and I A Most Haunting Relationship
Burma Road thumbnail What Did I Learn... From Vinegar Joe
Frobisher's Quests thumbnail Frobisher’s Quests The Northwest Passage and Gold
Global Warming  thumbnail HMS Terror, HMS Erebus, Global Warming… Or Nonsense from Those Godless Chinese Communists
To Become thumbnail To Become… What You Might Have Been
Getting It Together thumbnail Getting It Together… An Avenue to Acquiring Dreams
The Meaning of Life thumbnail The Meaning of Life It Is All About Fighting the Good Fight for Others
Bowl of Cherries thumbnail Life Is a Bowl of Cherries Or the Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
The Efforts of the Lady thumbnail The Efforts of the Lady vs. The Efforts of Donald the Dumb
Chick Magnet  thumbnail Chick Magnet And the Hauntings
Shrimp Can Whistle thumbnail Shrimp Can Whistle "I dream things that never were and say, why not."
Invictus thumbnail Invictus Thank You, Mrs. Davis
Robert the Bruce  thumbnail Robert the Bruce I'll Drink to Him!
I'm Hanging My Lantern  thumbnail I'm Hanging My Lantern For All To See
Accomplishing Things in Life...  thumbnail Accomplishing Things in Life... Even Long Shots
Teach Your Children, Part 2 thumbnail Teach Your Children, Part 2 But When?
Mentor Tell You Something About You  thumbnail Mentor Tell You Something About You The Value of Post-it Notes
Only Those Who Dare to Fail... thumbnail Only Those Who Dare to Fail... Can Achieve
Moh Moh's Email  thumbnail Moh Moh's Email Big Dreams Never Run Smooth
The Lady, Bobby, and Bagan  thumbnail The Lady, Bobby, and Bagan Triangulation Process
Jack and Owen, the Artists thumbnail Jack and Owen, the Artists Determined Artists
On the Road Again... thumbnail On the Road Again... Like a Gypsy
What a Difference a Few Years Makes thumbnail What a Difference a Few Years Makes If You Are Joisting with Windmills
Dealing with Impossible Dreams Realistically... thumbnail Dealing with Impossible Dreams Realistically... Or Getting All My Ducks Lined Up
Moh Moh Spoke thumbnail Moh Moh Spoke And She Sounded Like Don Quixote
 thumbnail Return to Myanmar Dream Big
Rediscovering the Past... thumbnail Rediscovering the Past... Eleanor Roosevelt
The Meaning Behind the Man thumbnail The Meaning Behind the Man The Man of La Mancha
Trying and Failing... thumbnail Trying and Failing... Is Better than Failing without Trying
Listening to My Mentors thumbnail Listening to My Mentors And Dreaming Impossible Dreams
The Terrorism Trifecta thumbnail The Terrorism Trifecta Three More Dances with Death
The Maltese Falcon Talked thumbnail The Maltese Falcon Talked And I Listened
Bobby Kennedy thumbnail Bobby Kennedy Still Reaches Out to Us.
My Love Letters thumbnail My Love Letters They Must Be Written
We Shall Overcome thumbnail We Shall Overcome A Belief Amid Darkness
Dealing with Dreams that Could Have Been... thumbnail Dealing with Dreams that Could Have Been... But Aren't
Prediction of Clinton's Running Mate  thumbnail Prediction of Clinton's Running Mate And Her Running Mate Is....
I Come in a World of Iron...  thumbnail "I Come in a World of Iron... To Make a World of Gold."
Bloody Hands and No Backbone thumbnail Bloody Hands and No Backbone What a Legacy
My Sherpa Statue Spoke thumbnail My Sherpa Statue Spoke A Valuable Time Spent Listening
The Angel Spoke... thumbnail The Angel Spoke... And I Listened.
Mr. Turner thumbnail Mr. Turner The Dualism of Feelings
An Anniversary Has Arrived....  thumbnail An Anniversary Has Arrived.... The Fifth Anniversary.
Rewriting History thumbnail Rewriting History To Fit Our Notions
I am Don Quixote thumbnail I am Don Quixote But I Am Not from La Mancha
Christopher Reeve thumbnail Christopher Reeve Another Dancer Who Could Also Fly
Don Quixote and Albert Einstein thumbnail Don Quixote and Albert Einstein The Two Dreamers
Worthless Windmills thumbnail Worthless Windmills Time Will Tell Their Worth
Bobby or the Donald thumbnail Bobby or the Donald Picking Mentors
Could I Have This Dance... thumbnail Could I Have This Dance... For the Rest of My Life?
Alex Failed... thumbnail Alex Failed... But Danced On.
What Drives Me? thumbnail What Drives Me? And the Answer Is....
Paying Tribute to Steve, Anne, and Dave thumbnail Paying Tribute to Steve, Anne, and Dave For Their Assistance
Two Roads in the Wood thumbnail Two Roads in the Wood Choose Wisely
The Art of Beating the Grim Reaper thumbnail The Art of Beating the Grim Reaper Follow Randy Pausch's Example
Best of Times, Worst of Times thumbnail Best of Times, Worst of Times It Is Your Choice; Choose Wisely
Buddha's Strange Parable... thumbnail Buddha's Strange Parable... Which We Need to Understand
The Value of Dreaming thumbnail The Value of Dreaming About My List of Dulcineas
The Third Dance... thumbnail The Third Dance... Maybe or Maybe Not
The Drinkable Book thumbnail The Drinkable Book I Wish I Had One While in Indochina
Revitalizing My Brain thumbnail Revitalizing My Brain After Winding Up in ICU
Dreams will come to you....  thumbnail Dreams will come to you.... If You Are True to Your Quest
Miguel Cervantes thumbnail Miguel Cervantes As Don Quixote
"I'm Dying, and I'm Having Fun." Randy Pausch is Correct
The Gift of an Angel thumbnail The Gift of an Angel It is More About My Feelings
New Year thumbnail New Year New Booty
 I Know Who I Am... thumbnail I Know Who I Am... And Have Found Two People Who Understand Me
Traumerei< thumbnail Träumerei The Dreaming of Schumann and Me
Devils Tower... thumbnail Devils Tower... Another Misnamed Parable
Take Your Passion and Make It Happen thumbnail Take Your Passion and Make It Happen Flashdance Follow-up
Want to See What I'm Wearing for Halloween? thumbnail Want to See What I'm Wearing for Halloween? A Profound Question
Pandora Provides Hope... thumbnail Pandora Provides Hope... Don Quixote Provides Determination
Don Quixote thumbnail Don Quixote Then and Now
Daring Greatly thumbnail Daring Greatly Or How Failure Frees Us to Succeed
Doubling Down... thumbnail Doubling Down... To Make Dreams Come True
It's Confession Time... thumbnail It's Confession Time... And It Isn't Sunday
Collecting Coins thumbnail Collecting Coins A Tradition Continues
Songs Can Make the World Go Around... thumbnail Songs Can Make the World Go Around... Peacefully.
A Second Look at Life thumbnail A Second Look at Life Toward the End of Life
Agnes Majors in the Minors thumbnail Agnes Majors in the Minors A Big Fish in a Drying Up Small Pond
The Desire to Ding the Universe  thumbnail The Desire to Ding the Universe But Why?
The Value of Pain thumbnail The Value of Pain Or How to Retrieve the Torpedo
Dinner with GiGi thumbnail Dinner with GiGi The Socratic Method of an Older Woman
Wrapped in a Mystery inside an Enigma thumbnail Wrapped in a Mystery inside an Enigma T. E. Lawrence
 thumbnail Dancing with Death Allows You to Live
The Puzzle of Life Solved By... thumbnail The Puzzle of Life Solved By... Jack and Owen
It Is About How You Lead Your Life thumbnail It Is About How You Lead Your Life Start With Refining Words
We Get Old Too Soon... thumbnail "We Get Old Too Soon... And Wise Too Late"
Two Crazy Captains Chasing Moby Dick thumbnail Two Crazy Captains Chasing Moby Dick Then and Now
Ode to Joy thumbnail Ode to Joy In the Midst of Pain
Think about the Legacy that You Leave thumbnail Think about the Legacy that You Leave Will Your Relatives Be Proud of You?
The Lioness Roars...  thumbnail The Lioness Roars... "Enough Is Enough"
Obama's Golden Opportunity thumbnail Obama's Golden Opportunity On Leaving a Legacy
Looking Back and Remembering thumbnail Looking Back and Remembering Looking Forward and Hoping
Suffering Yields Success thumbnail Suffering Yields Success Worrying Yields Warts
A Hand Is Put Into Theirs... thumbnail A Hand Is Put Into Theirs... And the Hand May Be a Little Child's
Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream thumbnail Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream The Disconnect Between Dreaming and Reality
Serendipity... thumbnail Serendipity... Finding Without Looking
Joe Hill Died November 19, 1915 thumbnail Joe Hill Died November 19, 1915 "I Never Died," Says He.
Death is the Best Invention of Life thumbnail Death is the Best Invention of Life Breathing Is Not Living
Seeing When You Think You See... thumbnail Seeing When You Think You See... The Difference is Dazzling.
A Lesson of Life from Alexander the Great thumbnail A Lesson of Life from Alexander the Great "Each moment free from fear makes a man immortal."
My Dots in Life Get Connected thumbnail My Dots in Life Get Connected With the Singing of Pete Seeger
Nothing is Secure thumbnail Nothing is Secure Which is a Great Blessing
Christopher Robin is Correct... thumbnail Christopher Robin is Correct... However, You Must Believe It Before It Is.
Wolverton Mountain thumbnail Wolverton Mountain The Place Where Dreams Occur
Pushing Oneself... thumbnail Pushing Oneself... What I Learned from T. S. Eliot
It is in Giving that We Get... thumbnail It is in Giving that We Get... Especially in Restaurants in Valparaiso.
Darkest Before Dawn thumbnail Darkest Before Dawn A Logical Disconnect that Is True
Getting Really Organized... thumbnail Getting Really Organized... Late in Life
First, It Was a Car and then Women thumbnail First, It Was a Car and then Women Jack and the Learning Curve to Adulthood
Old Men Should Plant Trees... thumbnail Old Men Should Plant Trees... And They Should Be Planted Now.
Connecting the Dots With Jack and Owen thumbnail Connecting the Dots With Jack and Owen Teaching Them To Be Steve Jobs-esque
It Was Obamacare, then Benghazi... thumbnail It Was Obamacare, then Benghazi... Enter Dr. Rove
Leaving a Legacy... thumbnail Leaving a Legacy... A Concern of a 71-Year Old.
The Cosmic Calendar thumbnail The Cosmic Calendar ...and Our Importance on the Pale Blue Dot
Jack and Owen's First Art Class Assignment... thumbnail Jack and Owen's First Art Class Assignment... A Piece of Fine Art
Hang a Lantern on Your Problems... thumbnail "Hang a Lantern on Your Problems..." So All Can See.
I See More Clearly... thumbnail I See More Clearly... Thanks to Carl Sagan.
The Blessing and the Curse of the Internet thumbnail The Blessing and the Curse of the Internet ...Everyone Will Have a Saved Memory
The Value of Dreaming thumbnail The Value of Dreaming Instructions from My Cardiologist...
Never Too Old to Learn thumbnail Never Too Old to Learn My Techy Computer Confession...
Protest Movements in Myanmar and the US... thumbnail Protest Movements in Myanmar and the US... We Shall Overcome!
I Have Seen the Light... thumbnail I Have Seen the Light... Thanks to Myanmar and Dr. Marchand
A Tribute to the Lady thumbnail A Tribute to the Lady Myanmar and the World Will Be Better Because of Her.
Cromwell's Dissolution of the Long Parliament...   thumbnail Cromwell's Dissolution of the Long Parliament... Then and Now.
Obama's Place in History thumbnail Obama's Place in History Learning from Accomplishments
Lawrence of Arabia thumbnail Lawrence of Arabia A Mentor of Mine
Forrester and I in Our Winters thumbnail Forrester and I in Our Winters Seasons Change Young Man...
What I Learned on My Second Trip to Rosslyn thumbnail What I Learned on My Second Trip to Rosslyn It is a Question of Whether to Be Better or Bitter...
Don Quixote Rides Again... thumbnail Don Quixote Rides Again... Or Looking Down the Hallway
Philosophy Can Change Your Lives thumbnail Philosophy Can Change Your Lives Or Thinking About Walking in Another's Shoes
We are All Greeks thumbnail We are All Greeks ...Receiving and Responding
A Lesson About Life thumbnail A Lesson About Life What I Finally Learned When Turning 70
The Egyptians and the Republicans thumbnail The Egyptians and the Republicans ...A Learning from the Past
Is it a Time to Chill or a Time to Get Busy... thumbnail Is it a Time to Chill or a Time to Get Busy... That is the Question?
The Fighting Temeraire thumbnail The Fighting TÉMÉRaire Growing Old and Understanding Art
Bonhoeffer Crossing The Line thumbnail Bonhoeffer—Crossing the Line... Thank You: Dietrich, Bobby and Barack
No Pain, No Gain... thumbnail No Pain, No Gain... Learning to Jump to Success
Correcting Churchill... thumbnail Correcting Churchill... The Value of Viewing Life
On the Road to Mandalay thumbnail On the Road to Mandalay ...A Road Less Traveled
An Old Man and His Grandson thumbnail An Old Man and His Grandson Then and Now
A Special Gift thumbnail A Special Gift A Signed One Dollar Bill
My Friend Harry thumbnail My Friend Harry Talk to Me Next
Odysseus is My Middle Name thumbnail Odysseus is My Middle Name My Similarities with Ancient Mariners
I'm Not Liberal Enough thumbnail I'm Not Liberal Enough And Neither is America Just Say No to the Just Say No Group
Bobby and Barack thumbnail Bobby and Barack Election of Barack Obama
Believing in a Dream...Again thumbnail Believing in a Dream...Again Maybe Chris Matthews of Hardball was Wrong This Election Cycle
Biko thumbnail Biko A Man Who Died for an Idea that Didn't Die
Freedom of the Mind  thumbnail Freedom of the Mind The Contributions of Stephen Biko