Then and Now
My three adult children and my granddaughter, after college, lived with me in my home. They were transitioning from college or graduate school into jobs from academia. I was happy to have them back into my home. It replicated the times they were children. The only difference was they were my adult children. It is fun to remember them as children and enjoy them as adults. Some of them lived atop Wolverton Mountain with me and some in my home on the lake. My granddaughter is living on the lake with me now. The is my family in the States.
I hope that my family in Myanmar wins the Diversity Visa lottery in June. My adult children and three granddaughters will come to America with green cards and move into my home on the lake when they do. However, that will be only a transitory residence for them. I’ll need to get a larger home on the lake.

I wrote an essay about my dream home on a lake and mountain across the lake in a recent article.

I’m not into predestination. Nonetheless, the home on the mountain and the home on the lake will be larger for our large family. Our new home on a mountain will also be on a future lake. It is haunting; history is repetitious.
While I was musing over my dreams, Moh Moh sent me photos of some of her potted plants outside her home. They range from dahlias, zinnias, marigolds, and local wild wax flowers.

I showed Ginger the photos of Moh Moh’s flowers. Ginger liked them but was more interested in walking around the lake with Ti Ti, Snow, and Fatty.

My family knows that my favorite colors are blue and yellow. Therefore, Moh Moh needs to think about flowers or bushes with blue or yellow flowers. However, as I was writing this essay, I thought about Ukraine, whose blue and yellow flag.

Can you imagine the chaos and killing in Ukraine today if Donald the Dumb was still president. Putin, aka the Diminutive Czar, needs Trump now.
Myanmar and Ukraine have had conflicts as they attempt to embrace democracy. I worry about the safety of my family in Myanmar during their civil war.

It will be exciting to welcome them to America. I’d rather worry about finding money for our new home than worry about their safety in the meantime. Moh Moh can add blue and yellow flowers in tribute to the Ukrainian people.
It troubles me that both Myanmar and Ukraine face the insanity of autocrats. It is equally sad that many Americans have racist and bigoted mindsets.
When my family wins the Diversity Visa lottery of our State Department, it will be the happiest day for me. We will sit on our deck talking, laughing, and remembering long after the sun has set.

After my family settles in America, we will invite Neil Diamond to our home on the lake and sing for our family, especially this song.
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