In the Footsteps of Bobby
This essay is a follow-up to Bobby Kennedy’s comment about dealing with intolerant people. “America’s answer to the intolerant man is diversity….” We need to address intolerance, bigotry, racism, sexism, and xenophobia. While Trump is slowly waning from the American scene, he isn’t the only person that disses those who are, in any way, different than white supremacists.
Back in the 19th century, there were many utopian experiments like Brook Farm, New Harmony, Oneida, Amanda Colonies, and the Shakers. They tried to resolve problems in society by withdrawing from the problematic American society. In that way, they could begin again. If successful, what they learned could be a model for the rest of America.
Re-enter Bobby Kennedy. The single sentence that spoke to me the most was what he said about dreaming. “Some men see things as they are and say, why; I dream things that never were and say, why not.” That sentence focused on me and my generation in the 60s. We were trying to resolve the litany of social problems like racism, poverty, and the war in Vietnam.

Dreaming dreams that never were….
Dreaming dreams is critical. Nevertheless, dreaming is the first step to actualizing one’s dreams. One has to address the dream by actions. For decades, I have had a dream about my utopian experiment. One has to put forward the effort to realize a dream, or one is merely daydreaming.
This is a photo of the dream of my utopian experiment.

This is a picture of my dream.
I’m in my twilight years. My yellow brick road of life is running out of brick as my clock is ticking. I want to create a small utopian experiment. My dream is to bring my family from various countries throughout the world. I met some of my family in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and America, but they all are family. The utopian experiment acknowledges that we are all family, regardless of ethnicity, race, or religion.

My dream of my utopian village is valid and the right thing to do. However, coming to America is difficult. The person or family needs to obtain green cards. I have told my family that they will stay at my home, but they need to get green cards.

In a recent email, Moh Moh mentioned the Diversity Visa lottery, which they entered. Our State Department has a lottery for people wishing to come to America with a green card.

If my family wins the lottery, they will sit on my deck with Ginger and me. That would be heaven for all of us.

In the meantime, we can listen to Neil Diamond’s Coming to America.
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