

“Just think--8 more semesters to go and you’re done!”  I remember my parents telling me that after I had just completed my first semester at DeVry.  Well, after 120 weeks, 8 semesters, and a handful of all-nighters, I now hear “You’re done!  You did it!”  I am sure that many of you have heard the same lines or similar ones.  It is heartening to know that we have had many people who have supported us throughout our time at DeVry.  I personally know that without their generous encouragement, it would have been a longer and bumpier road to travel.  So on behalf of myself and all of the other graduates seated here tonight, I would like to say thank you to all who have supported us in making it this far in our lives, including:  our parents, spouses, family, children, and of course, faculty.


I also would like to congratulate each student here for achieving such a wonderful goal as today’s graduation.  I know we can all agree that it was no easy task reaching this goal, but it was certainly well worth it.  The trials and tribulations will not end here; there will be many more in the game called life, but our ability lies in looking at what is given to us in a positive light instead of a negative shadow.  I propose to you tonight to take a different perspective in looking at these challenges as a way to grow and expand our awareness about life.  As we do this, we will become stronger and kinder individuals. 


The knowledge and skills we have obtained thus far have made it possible for all of us to be here tonight.  It is important that the knowledge and skills we have worked so hard to obtain not go to waste.  It is so tempting to go for the “easy” job, the one you know you will get, the one that will pay the bills, and then some.  What we need to realize is that we can do so much more than that.  Our world is ever-changing, and we have become a society that is more and more reliant on technology.  We are the ones with the skills to make a difference in this world.  Our skills are much more than just technical.  We have developed talents in the humanities, math, human communications, economics, science, and business fields of study as well.  We can achieve so much if we just apply the same hard work and dedication it took for us to reach this milestone and apply that to our future careers.  I encourage each and every one of you to really strive to become passionate about what you do and make your work count for a better tomorrow.


As the world becomes more technology-dependent, new discoveries and methodologies will surface, and along with some of these, our morals will be tested.  Do you ever recall your parents saying to you when you were a child, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”?  It may sound trite, but I think it is a good ground rule for business ethics.  If it is not something that we would want to happen to ourselves or our families, then we should not be a part of it.  We must remember this as we journey through our respective careers.  We must uphold the same integrity and values that we have all been taught throughout our lives. 


As we progress in our careers, remember this quote, “A college education never hurt anybody who was willing to learn after he got it.”  It will be vital for us to continue to learn in our respective fields as well as in life’s lessons in order to truly succeed.  Some of the most important lessons we will learn will come from witnessing others’ mistakes as well as learning from our own mistakes.  Let us not make some of the errors that others have made in the past.  We are better than that.  As long as we do not repeat destructive mistakes, we will be able to progress and become a stronger and more caring society.  Let us not just become part of the status quo.  That is the easy way to live life.  I know we all possess creative imaginations capable of enriching both existing concepts, as well as establishing new ideas that have not even been thought of yet.  We can make a change for the better.  No matter how big or small, every positive action contributes to a greater cause.  Always remember that the best investment in our portfolios is the belief in ourselves.


We should never doubt our dreams.  Instead, we should aim to reach high for them.  When we can do this, the sky is the limit. 


Henry David Thoreau, a famous author and former teacher, once said, “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.”


            Congratulations to the Summer Graduating class of 2004!



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