ONLINE SYLLABUS

  Philosophy of Modern Society (4 Semester Hours)

 August 20—December 6, 2001



Course Description:

ˇ        To present philosophy as an “activity” that all humans naturally engage in. 

ˇ        To introduce the great philosophical thinkers of the ages and what they had to say on such topics as art, ethics, science, knowledge, society, and religion. 

ˇ        To present their ideas in their proper historical context to try to better understand why they said what they said and why they felt compelled to speak about these issues.

Course Objectives:

1.  To acquire a working knowledge of the major disciplines of philosophy; in particular, ethics, epistemology, and metaphysics.

 2.  To analyze the lives and ideas of major Western philosophers; in particular, Plato, Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill, and Soren Kierkegaard.

 3.  To understand the major ethical theories of today and their implication for modern medicine.  We will pay careful attention to the ethical ideas of Kant and Mill.

 4.  To assist health-care professionals to understand health-related philosophical ideas, such as the social dimension of modern medicine.

 5.  To develop students’ written skills by writing one creative philosophy paper.

Required textbook:          

About Philosophy, 8/e, Robert Paul Wolff, Prentice Hall, 2000.  (In addition to the text, use the following site that parallels the book:

Other Internet Resources:

ˇ        Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy:

ˇ        Philosophical Terms and Names:

Course Content:

August 20th.                Getting to know you and the software

August 29th.                      Introductory paper written by you about the meaning of life.

September 5th.                What is Philosophy?    (Wolff, pages 1-40)

September 12th.             Theory of Knowledge    (Wolff, pages 41-86)

September 19th.             Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind    (Wolff, pages 87-120)

September 26th.          Philosophy of Science    (Wolff, pages 121-156)

October 3rd                 Ethical Theory    (Wolff, pages 157-242)

October 10th               Midterm Week

October 17th.                   Social and Political Philosophy    (Wolff, pages 243-306)

October 24th.                   Philosophy of Art    (Wolff, pages 307-350)

October 31st.               Philosophy of Religion    (Wolff, pages 351-396)

November 7th.             Feminist Philosophy

November 14th.           Philosophy of People of Color

November 21st.           ISC due by November 28th  

November 28th.           Final Exam Week—due by December 5th                            


Midterm Exam                       12.5%

Independent Study Project    25   %

Final Exam                             12.5%

Class Participation                50   %  

N.B.  This is critical.  Your class participation in class discussions is critical.  You will be graded on both the amount of participation and also the quality of it.  I will respond to all your comments to my discussion questions and will read all of you responses to your classmates.

Guidelines for the Independent Study Component:

The Independent Study Component will provide 25% of the overall course grade and will represent at least 16-hours of additional work over and above the assignments required for this course.  Each student will write a 12-page research paper that will deal with an aspect of philosophy in our modern society.  The topic will be approved before beginning the project.  Students are encouraged to pick a topic that either has applicability to their professional work or personal life. 


I look forward to this semester and expect that you will do your part to make this a rewarding experience for you and the rest of your class.  Together, we will have a fruitful journey to better understanding philosophy in our modern society.  As an online learner, you will be expected, in addition to your reading assignments, to be in class at least three hours per week.  This three-hour class time will be spent online with your other online learners or completing the weekly assignments.  Assignments will be posted at the beginning of each week.  While you are alone in front of your computer, you are still a part of your class.  Class participation online is even more important than in the traditional classroom.  

Statement of Academic Integrity:

Plagiarism has no place in your research project.  No credit will be given if plagiarism is present.  Cheating on a test will also result in not receiving any credit for the exam.


I look forward to teaching this class.  If you need anything or have any problem, the following information will provide you with access to assistance.  Please feel free to contact me whenever necessary.

Dr. Al Campbell
5105 Mansard Drive

Michigan City, IN 46360

cell phone (219) 928-5598

(219) 874-1338



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