107 Main Street Hobart, IN |
Course Syllabus and Hyperlinks to Other Resources
World Religions-379 (4 credits hours)
August 26 thru December 9, 1998
Wednesdays 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Course Description:
We will study the major contemporary world religions: Native American religions, African religions, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Chinese religions, Shinto, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Bahai. Special attention will be given to these religions and their attitudes toward health, health care, illness, and death.
Course Objectives:
Required Texts:
Course Content:
August 26 Introduction to religions and Native American Religions
- Hofpe and Woodward, pages 31-53
- http://www.usd.edu/iais/
- http://www.journeysong.com/
- http://www2.itexas.net/~sparrow/native.htm
September 2 African Religions
- Hofpe and Woodward, pages 54-75
- Stephens and Pence, pages 135-149
- http://users.iol.it/cdi/atr_website_links.htm
- http://users.iol.it/cdi/
- http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~bill/316/paper1/horsey/paptex1.html
September 9 Hinduism
- Hofpe and Woodward, pages 76-123
- Stephens and Pence, pages 79-95
- http://www.brown.edu/Departments/AmCiv/Studentprojects/apurva/index.htm
- http://www.wp.com/AksharNet/
- http://www.ramakrishna.org/
September 16 Jainism
- Hofpe and Woodward, pages 124-135
- http://www.hindunet.org/jain_info/
- http://www.geocities.com/Athens/3861/#Jainism
- http://www.umich.edu/~umjains/overview.html
- http://www.cs.colostate.edu/~malaiya/jainhlinks.html
September 23 Buddhism
- Hofpe and Woodward, pages 136-166
- Stephens and Pence, pages 96-113
- http://www.rigpa.org/
- http://pbc.interliant.com/pbc/pbc.nsf/?Open
- http://www.budtempchi.org/symbols.html
September 30 Sikhism
- Hofpe and Woodward, pages 167-180
- http://www.atammarg.org/
- http://www.cyberway.com.sg/~sikhs/
- http://www.sikhs.org/topics.htm
- http://www.alphalink.com.au/~harry/frontpage.htm
- http://www.sikhnet.com/Matrimonials *
- http://www.sikhnet.com/ScreenSavers *
- http://www.sikhnet.com/GoldenTemple *
- http://www.sikhs.simplenet.com/golden/index.html *(map)
October 7 MID-TERM EXAM and Chinese Religions
- Hofpe and Woodward, pages 181-217
- Stephens and Pence, pages 114-133
- http://sun.sino.uni-heidelberg.de/SSCR/linksrel.html
- http://birmingham.gov.uk/html/helpline/community/chinese/nereli1.html
- http://www.chinaantique.com.tw/english/ch.html *
- http://www.insidechina.com/china/culture/relig.html
- http://www.hku.hk/philodep/ch/
October 14 Shinto
- Hofpe and Woodward, pages 218-236
- http://shinto.org/2-1-e.html
- http://www.trincoll.edu/~tj/tj4.4.96/articles/cover.html
- http://www.religioustolerance.org/shinto.htm
- http://www.tmn.com/~mcgarity/sh/shrines.htm *
- http://www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/~t-dashi/english.html
- http://www.jinja.or.jp/english/s-0.html
- http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e629.html
October 21 Zoroastrianism
- Hofpe and Woodward, pages 237-259
- http://palette.ecn.purdue.edu/~bulsara/ZOROASTRIAN/zoroastrian.html
- http://www.myna.com/~pervez/zoro.htm
- http://www.walker.reston.va.us:8080/hmgs/zjc3.html
- http://www.avesta.org/zfaq.html
- http://www.zarathushtra.com/
October 28 Judaism
- Hofpe and Woodward, pages 260-300
- Stephens and Pence, pages 2-25
- http://philo.ucdavis.edu/~bruce/RST23/chart.html timeline
- http://sunsite.unc.edu/expo/deadsea.scrolls.exhibit/intro.html
- http://www.templemount.org/theories.html good pictures
- http://www.jewfaq.org/
- http://www.wsu.edu:8000/~dee/HEBREWS/RELIGION.HTM
- http://www.jewsforjudaism.org/javasite/index.html
November 4 Early Christianity
- Hofpe and Woodward, pages 301-319
- Stephens and Pence, pages 26-42
- http://www.catacombe.roma.it/welcome.html
- http://www.azstarnet.com/~rgrogan/ce.htm
- http://shell5.ba.best.com/~gdavis/ntcanon/
- http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/christian-history.html
- http://www.mcad.edu/AICT/html/medieval/ech_byz2.html pictures
- http://freespace.virgin.net/gordon.smith4/CHRISTIAN.htm reference
November 11 Catholicism and Protestantism
- Hofpe and Woodward, pages 320-355
- Stephens and Pence, pages 43-57
- http://www.csn.net/advent/cathen/cathen.htm
- http://www.americancatholic.org/
- http://www.americancatholic.org/welcome/special_pages/st_francis/sf_frame.html
- http://www.catholic.net/
- http://www.fatima.org/core.html
- http://www.imswebs.com/holy-shroud/
- http://www.wrn.org/vatican-radio/
- http://protestantism.miningco.com/mlibrary.htm
- http://blessedhope.simplenet.com/calvin.htm
- http://www.gate.net/~burridge/calvin/john.html
- http://library.advanced.org/~12160/people/calvin.htm
- http://history.hanover.edu/texts/luthad.html
- http://www.bibleclass.com/lib/95.htm
- http://www.dallas.net/sovgrace/reform_t.html
- Hofpe and Woodward, pages 356-395
- Stephens and Pence, pages 58-78
- http://www.discoverislam.com/
- http://www.ummah.org.uk/icc/
- http://www.islamic-sights.com/ pictures
- http://www.islam-usa.com/im1.html Islamic medicine
- http://islam.org/mosque/MyJourney/Yusuf_Islam.htm Cat Stevens
- http://www.moslem.org/mosque.htm
- http://cgi1.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/7368/w_main.htm
December 2 Bahai
- Hofpe and Woodward, pages 396-407
- http://bahaullah.net/
- http://oneworld.wa.com/bahai/
- http://www.ifbahai.org/index.html
- http://oneworld.wa.com/bahai/magazine/pg38.html
December 9 FINAL EXAM
I look forward to this semester and expect that you will do your part to make this a rewarding experience for you and the rest of your class. Together, we will have a fruitful journey to better understanding other religions and a greater appreciation of our own.
Research Project 50%
Midterm Exam 25%
Final Exam 25%
(Class participation can provide bonus points)
Research Project:
Each student will write a 15-page research paper. This paper will discuss a topic or issue within the context of a world religion other than the students faith. The topics will be approved prior beginning the project.
Statement of Academic Integrity:
Plagiarism has no place in your research project. No credit will be given if plagiarism is present. Cheating on a test will also result in not receiving any credit for the exam.
I look forward to teaching this class. If you need anything or have any problem, the following information will provide you with access to assistance. Please feel free to contact me whenever necessary.
Dr. Al Campbell
Wolverton Mountain
3410 Alpine Court
Valparaiso, IN 46383
(219) 462-3404
car phone (219) 928-8881
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