


Philosophy, Religion, and History of China
(4-Semester Hours)

      May 28—June 12, 2005




Course Description:

This Trip for Credit is designed to provide the student with an overview of the philosophies, religions, and history of China.  This course will provide a survey of the Chinese culture from the Paleolithic times to the present. 


Course Objectives:

A.     To discuss the development of philosophies, religions, and history of China.


B.  To compare and contrast philosophies and religions of China and their influence on Chinese culture today.


C.  To analyze key historical developments that have lead to present-day China.


D.  To appreciate the tradition and history of China.


F.  To understand the worldview that China has of itself and how they view the rest of the world.


G. To prepare and analyze an approved topic, through an in-depth inquiry of the topic.    

     (Independent Study Component)


Required textbook:       

Cambridge Illustrated History of China, Ebrey, Cambridge University Press, 1996.  (paperback 2003 printing  ISBN # 0-521-66991-X)


Required films/videos: 

Seven Years in Tibet

The Last Emperor

The Tibetan Book of the Dead


Long Search (a series on world religions by BBC/Time Life Films)


Other Internet Resources:

PowerPoint Presentation on China:



I look forward to this Trip for Credit.  This course promises to be a once in a lifetime adventure.  It will be an informative and enriching academic experience for all of us.  Therefore, it is important to be prepared by following the course outline. 


Course Content and Outline:   

By the end of January please read:



By the end of February please read:


By the end of March please read:

·        Alien Rule—Manchus and Imperialism p. 164-261

·        Write and turn in the third mini-essay


By the end of April please read:


By May 15th please have turned in 2-film reports due


By July 15th please have turned in your12-page ISC

History and Religion Essays (4 5-page reports)        25%

Film Reports (2 5-page reports)                                 25%

Oral Presentations (while in country)                         25%

Independent Study Component (12-pages)                25%


Guidelines for the Independent Study Component:

Courses offered in the Professional Studies program are designated as upper division and are also four semester hours of credit.  Consequently, the Independent Study Component becomes an integral part of the Health Arts courses that adds both breadth and depth to each course.  It distinguishes those courses taken in the Professional Studies from ones that have similar titles but are lower division and also from those that are three semester hours of credit.


Each student will write a 12-page research paper that will deal with an aspect of philosophy, religion, or history of China.  The topic will be approved before beginning the project.  Students are encouraged to pick a topic that either has applicability to their professional work or personal life. 


Statement of Academic Integrity:

Students have an obligation to exhibit honesty in carrying out their academic assignments.  Students may be found to have violated this obligation if they plagiarize or cheat.  Plagiarism is presenting the work of others as one’s own; cheating is taking, giving, or accepting any illicit advantage for any course work inside or outside of the classroom.


ADA Statement:

Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact your instructor privately to discuss your specific needs.  Reasonable accommodations, as arranged through the disabilities coordinator, Pat Vivio, will be provided for students with documented disabilities. Contact Pat Vivio at (815) 740-3204 in Tower Hall room S-210 to coordinate accommodations. 


USF Mission Statement:

As a Catholic university rooted in the liberal arts, we are a welcoming community of learner challenged by Franciscan values and charisma, engaged in a continuous pursuit of knowledge, faith, wisdom, and justice, and ever mindful of a tradition that emphasizes reverence for creation, compassion, and peacemaking.  We strive for academic excellence in all programs, preparing women and men to contribute to the world through service and leadership.



I look forward to teaching this class.  If you need anything or have any problem, the following information will provide you with access to assistance.  Please feel free to contact me whenever necessary.


Dr. Al Campbell
8355 Doubletree Drive North

Crown Point, IN 46307

cell (219) 928-5598

fax (219) 942-1315