Date: 1/06
Course Title: Introduction to Philosophy
Course Number: PHI-101-027
Semester: Spring 2006
I. Faculty Information:
A. Instructor: Dr. Al Campbell
B. Office Location:
D. Mailbox Location:
E. Phone:
F. E-mail:
G. Web Site:
II. Course Identification:
A. Credit Hours: 3 Semester Hours
B. Total Contact Hours: 3 Lecture: 3 Lab: 0
C. Days and Hours Course Meets: Tuesday s and Thursdays 2:-3:15pm
D. Prerequisite: None
E. Corequisite: None
F. Catalog Description: Introduces philosophical question and philosophical ways of reasoning. Examines some key notions in the history of Western thought in areas of metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. (Catalog, p. 189).
III. Textbook:
About Philosophy, 9/e, Robert Paul Wolff, Prentice Hall, 2006.
IV. Program/Course Goals or Major Purposes:
A. To explore basic philosophical questions while examining key areas in the history of Western thought. Emphasis will be placed upon key authors and their respective ideas as they relate to the overall history of philosophical development.
B. To emphasize comparison between and
examination of themes such as:
1. Epistemology and the study of the nature of knowledge
2. The condition of man and good vs. evil
3. The requirements for a moral life and the study of ethics
4. Philosophy as it relates to social and political forms
5. Metaphysics and the study of reality or what is real
V. Course End Competencies:
A. The student will be able to define key terms specific to each school of philosophy.
B. The student will be familiar with and be able to describe methods of approach to different philosophical thought.
C. The student will be able to compare and contrast the relation between different philosophers and their principle ideas.
D. The student will have (re) evaluated his/her own views on maters of philosophy and ethics.
VI. Classroom Policies/Procedures:
A. General Information Sheet: (attached)
B. Withdrawal: A student who does not withdraw officially from a course may receive a grade of F, depending on course progress or course attendance, which will become a part of the students permanent record. The official withdrawal date is listed in the General Information Sheet.
C. Final Exam Schedule: see attached
D. Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend regularly for the full class period. In accordance with this expectation, each student will receive an attendance grade proportionate to the number of classes missed. Any student who misses four (4) or more classes may have their final grade reduced by one letter grade.
E. Cheating/Plagiarism Policy: Any student found cheating or plagiarizing at anytime during the course will receive an F for the course.
G. Conduct: Each student is responsible for adhering to the Code of Student Conduct as stated in the college catalog.
H. Communication Devices: Faculty, staff, students and college visitors may not use and must silence cell phones, pagers, and other communication devices in all instructional areas which include: all labs and classrooms during instructional sessions, the Learning Resources Center/Library, the Assessment Services Center, and other areas so designated by the college.
VII. Evaluation Criteria:
A. Class Participation, Midterm, Term Paper, and Final Exameach weighted at 25% of Final Grade. The final exam will be a two-hour comprehensive examination consisting of objective questions on material from the entire course.
B. Your term paper will be a 12-page research project exploring a specific philosophical issue faced by you. This is a critical aspect of your project.
C. There will be no exam make-ups or late papers.
VIII. Course Schedule:
Week Dates Topic Assignment
1........... 1/17-1/19.........................What is Philosophy.......................................Chapter 1
2........... 1/24-1/26.........................Theory of Knowledge...................................Chapter 2
4........... 2/7-2/9.............................Philosophy of Science...................................Chapter 4
5........... 2/14-2/16.........................Ethical Theory ..........................................Chapter 5
7...........2/28-3/2............................Philosophy of Art ....................................Chapter 7
8.......... 3/7-3/9..............................Philosophy of Religion ................................Chapter 8
3/14-3/16 ..........................No ClassSpring Break
11.......4/4-4/6.................................Feminist Philosophy
12.......4/11-4/13.............................Just War Theory
13.......4/18-4/20.............................Philosophy of Pluralism
14.......4/25-4/27.............................Term Paper Due ..Philosophy of Sexual Orientation
15 ...5/2-5/4 ....Term Paper Discussion
16 5/9-5/11 .Term Paper Discussion
17 5/16 2:-3:50am Final Exam Week (schedule attached)