Interpersonal Communication (spring of 2002)


Faculty Information:
Dr. Al Campbell

Web Site:
Phone: (219) 928.5598 or (219) 874.1338

Course Identification:
Credit hours: 3
Contact hours: 3
Days/hours course meets: Fridays at 6-8:50pm
Prerequisite: English 110
Co requisite: None

Course Description:
This course explores the way people interact verbally and nonverbally.  It teaches the basic principles and concepts of interpersonal communication including perception, self-concept, persuasive communication skills, nonverbal communication, semantics, roles and norms, and communication barriers.  Activities include participation in groups, dyads, role-play, and interactional communication situations.  Because this is the only speech class students are required to take, it will also include a series of presentations, which may be individual or small group. 

Looking Out /Looking In
, Adler and Towne, 10th Edition, Harcourt, 2002.

Student Withdrawal Policy:
Students who wish to withdraw from this course must do so by Friday of Week #11.

Course Evaluation:
Midterm, Term Paper, and Final Exam—each weighted at 33.3% of Final Grade.  Both tests and the term paper will emphasize

Terminal Objectives:
1.      Analyze interpersonal communication process and identify the characteristics that make a communicator effective.
2.      Explain how perception influences interpersonal communication. 
3.      Assess the role of the self-concept in communication.
4.      Evaluate the importance of word selection and usage in interpersonal communication. 
5.      Analyze the major elements of nonverbal communication, its interrelationship with verbal communication, and its contribution in conveying meanings.
6.      Characterize the impact of emotions on the communication process.
7.      Assess the role of listening skills in communication and analyze the fundamental factors of effective listening and appropriate response. 
8.      Analyze relationships and their role in interpersonal communication.
9.      Evaluate communication as a pr0cess of influencing others.
10.  Analyze the procedures for improving communication climates (the emotional tone of a relationship).
11.  Analyze the nature of interpersonal conflict and evaluate the skills that are most effective in managing such conflict.    

Student Responsibilities:

Students are required to attend all classes.  Group discussion is an integral part of this course; students will be asked to contribute and ask questions. 

30% Absence: DeVry’s Attendance Policy allows a Professor to withdraw a student from a course when a student has been absent 30% of the class hours of the course.  If I drop you from the class, you must then appeal to me to be reinstated.  If you are not reinstated, this can affect your eligibility for financial aid and will result in a “W” grade for the course.  (Don’t forget to use the automated attendance system, ATS, starting 10 minutes before the hour and closing 20 minutes after the hour.)  Late assignments will be accepted with a one grade level reduction.

Students, faculty, staff, and all other member of the DeVry community are expected to respect diversity, which includes, but is not limited to age, disability, gender, marital status, national origin, race, religion, and sexual orientation.  Students engaging in discriminatory behavior will be subject to the consequences established in the Student’s Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook.  Student grievances involving charges of discrimination and sexual harassment should be taken to the Student Services Office.

Academic Integrity:
All students are expected to follow the standards of academic integrity and conduct as detailed in the Academic Integrity Policy found in the DeVry Student Handbook.  The Policy specifically prohibits dishonest acts, such as copying, plagiarism, and prohibited collaboration.  Please review the Policy so that you understand your rights and obligations.

Weekly Schedule

March 15, 2002          A First Look at Interpersonal Relationships                         (pages 1-43)
March 22, 2002          Communication and Identity: The Self and Messages         (pages 44-91)
March 29, 2002         
                            Good Friday Recess
April 5, 2002               Perception: What You See Is What You Get                         (pages 92-133)
April 12, 2002             Emotions: Thinking, Feeling, and Acting                               (pages 134-173)
April 19, 2002             Language: Barrier and Bridge                                               (pages 174-219)
April 26, 2002            Nonverbal Communication: Messages without Words          (pages 220-265)
May 3, 2002                                                    
May 10, 2002             Listening: More Than Meets the Ear                                    (pages 266-312)
May 17, 2002             Communication and Relational Dynamics                             (pages 313-365)
May 24, 2002             Improving Communication Climates                                      (pages 366-399)
May 31, 2002             Managing Interpersonal Conflicts                                         (pages 400-449)
June 7, 2002               Class Presentations  
June 14, 2002             Class Presentations
 Term Paper Due
June 17, 2002                                         Final Exam



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