Then and Now.
I would like to get all my cards on the table. The phrase, the white man's burden, is both stupid and racist. Rudyard Kipling's poem, The White Man's Burden, spells out his and the British overt racism even though the poem was written about US racism in the Philippines.
Several months ago, I spent 4-weeks in Myanmar, which used to be called Burma. Kipling wrote another poem, Mandalay, which some think that he wrote at the Great Pagoda in Mawlamyine. Mandalay is not as overt racist as The White Man's Burden, but it expressed both British haughtiness on the issues of racism and sexism. Nevertheless, the issue of the white man's burden was so pervasive among those carrying the burden that a hand soap advertisement stated: The White Man's Burden Pears' Soap That quote is from this advertisement. Perhaps, they should first wash out their mouths with the soap.
Burmese Days is about the dying days of British colonial rule in Burma. In Shooting an Elephant, Orwell addresses the Burmese hatred of the British colonialists. While the issue of the white man's burden really looks foolish as we look back upon it, need to be careful about what we say in the 21st century that might be racist. We need to think about word that might seem socially acceptable within some parts of our society as they were during Kipling's time. We have some in America that deal with racism based on their claim that President Obama was born in Kenya. President Barack Obama birth certificate The birthers merely replace abusive language with a politically correct term, birthers. Birther is just a replacement for the words that they would rather use. All my adult life, we have confronted racism. However, for 4-hundred years, blacks have faced slavery and racism in general here in this land of the free...if you are white. This is President Obama in the Oval Office. The color or pigmentation of one's skin has no bearing on one's mental abilities or ethics. I am white, and I never even thought to apply to Harvard. In addition, I was never an editor of a law review nor graduated magna cum laude or received a Nobel Prize for Peace. Parenthetically, I wonder how many white birthers went to Harvard, edited the Harvard Law Review, graduated magna cum laude, and won the Nobel Prize for Peace. Having dissed the nonsense of the birthers and the white man's burden in general, all of us in the world came from descendants who came from Africa starting around 70,000-years ago. Livingston, Kipling, Orwell, Trump, Cruz, and the rest of us - including Obama were related to one of The Seven Daughters of Eve, which is the title of Bryan Sykes' book. To be even more precise, all people in the world can trace their Mitochondrial DNA (mDNA) of one or more of those seven women. The white man's burden is their racist stupidity, which they have carried for far too long. This is a funny cartoon, but sadly, the birthers won't get it. Visit the Burma Independence page to read more about this topic. Forrest Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does." Visit the Stupid is As Stupid Does page to read more about this topic. 05/28/14 Follow @mountain_and_me |