The Story of Tom and Jerry
What’s in a Name?

I have written about how my three grandchildren in Myanmar decided what to call me. I was getting ready for my second trip to Myanmar a couple of years ago. I had met all three of them four years prior. Ti Ti clearly recalled me. At that time, she was nine years old, but her sisters were two and four. So, when the parents told them that I was returning for a visit, Ti Ti told her younger sisters that my name was PaPa Al. Snow accepted Ti Ti’s statement as fact. However, Fatty decided upon calling me, Bo Bo Gyi. Since then, the two older girls used Ti Ti’s name and Fatty used a different moniker for me. If they would call for something like dinner, a walk downtown, or playing games, I respond to either name.

A couple of weeks ago, Moh Moh, their mother, emailed me a photo of their two new additions to my family in Myanmar.

Since Moh Moh didn’t give me their names, I took the opportunity to follow Ti Ti’s lead and named them myself. I spent a great deal of time pondering the names of these young kittens. Finally, I decided upon Tom and Jerry. I wonder whether Ti Ti has ever heard of that American cartoon by the same name.

Tom and Jerry

If COVID-19 has disappeared like our great and magnificent president, Donald the Dumb, maintains, I’ll return for a visit my family along with seeing Tom and Jerry in less than a year and a half.

The Tom and Jerry cartoons came out in 1940, which was three years before I entered the world. This is a montage of some of the 1940 cartoons. It is over two and a half hours of loads of cartoons. Tom is a mischief cat who is always trying to catch Jerry who is a mouse.

Every summer, my parents would take the family to Oxford, PA where my cousins had a farm. This is a photo of what I looked like 75 years ago. The kitten that I was playing with was called Green Eyes. However, Green Eyes became afraid of me for some reason after several visits. When she saw me get out of the car, she would disappear for the duration of our visit. When I got married and had a family, we had several cats over the years.

Moh Moh wrote that the girls love their two kittens but would also like to have a dog like Ginger. I told Ginger about what Ti Ti, Snow, and Fatty thought about her. Ginger wanted me to send the girls a picture of her.

Ginger and I talked about my three granddaughters in Myanmar. I told her that in a year and a half from now, I would visit them again. Ginger offered to return with me. I said that she would miss having Kayla as her dog sitter for the month when I was gone. Ginger said that she would get back to me once she decided whether she would go with me or stay with Kayla. I’d bet that she will stay with Kayla.