For Heavenly Clauses
Let me set the scene. I was Googling to resolve my dilemma regarding my granddaughter, Ti Ti, who lives in Myanmar. Ti Ti has attempted to get a student visa several times to come to the States for her college education. I don’t remember what it was that drew me to a link to TED. It was Neal Katyal’s video, How to Win an Argument (at the US Supreme Court or anywhere). Technically, it had nothing to do with the American embassy in Yangon, Myanmar, or Ti Ti’s trouble getting a student visa.
Nevertheless, I found myself in Katyal’s class as his student. As I listened, a litany of issues floated around in my brain. I jotted down essential insights as he made his case during his lecture. Several weeks ago, I wrote about my learning in an essay.
That is the backstory. On Wednesday morning, I got up, ready to face the day with buoyancy. I was happy as a lark until I realized Ginger was sick again. While giving Ginger’s morning meds and cleaning up the mess, I heard Katyal talking about Burning Man on TV in the background.
I had heard about the muddy mess in the Nevada desert in the news. It wasn’t long before I went back to Googling about Burning Man and Neal Katyal. I found a photo of him at Burning Man before the rains came. I was fascinated by his apparel. He dressed for the occasion. I do similar things. I got dressed up as the Buddhist nat, Bo Bo Gyi. I view myself as his latest incarnation. However, someone hacked into my website recently. While much of it has been restored, many of my photos, including a photo of me as Bo Bo Gyi’s incarnation, can’t be retrieved.

The next time Katyal appears before the Supreme Court, I wonder what Justices Thomas and Alito will think. However, they must step down from their godlike perch at the Supreme Court. America would be better served if Thomas and Alito Katyal moved to the Black Rock City Supreme Court.

Finally, another parallel that I see between Katyal and myself is what one of my mentors sang.
We both will march into hell for just causes, like all the mud at Burning Man. Katyal had to march or plod through the mud of hell for a heavenly cause.