Then and Now
The Great Dictator was the first talkie movie by Charlie Chaplin. He wrote, directed, and starred in it. The film’s storyline is about Tomania, a country in Central Europe. It was defeated during WWI, followed by the suffering caused by the Great Depression. One of Tomania’s WWI soldiers was Aenoid Hynkel. Tomania’s defeat and the Great Depression created civil discontent, resulting in Hynkel’s rise to power in the Double Cross Party. This was their flag.

Hynkel maintained. “We shall never have peace 'til we have a pure Aryan race. How wonderful. Tomania, a nation of blue-eyed blondes.” He became the dictator of Tomania, but his dream of controlling the world was soon followed by the persecution of the Jews. Hynkel rounded up Jews and forced them into ghettos.
Then, the Führer of Tomania began his dream of annexing other countries. The first was Osterlich. Before continuing to invade other countries, he needed to control the dictator of Bacteria, Benzino Napaloni. Hynkel and Napaloni had a conference where they discussed or argued over working together.
While Hynkel was in charge of the war effort, a Jewish barber also served in WWI. However, he lived in the Jewish ghetto and looked much like Hynkel.
Interestingly, Chaplin also played the role of Adenoid Hynkel, the leader of Tomainia. Hynkel is a not-very-disguised version of Hitler.
Hynkel fantasizes about becoming the dictator of the world and being seen by his followers as God.
Hynkel discusses with Napaloni the issue of who is number one. Notice the difference in the size of Napaloni’s chair seat.
The Great Dictator ends with a speech delivered by the barber impersonating Henkel. The scene begins with one of Henkel's aides mentioning that Henkel seemed to have changed prior to the speech. The barber, impersonating Henkel, issues his view of the future, which is exactly what Chaplin believes.
The Great Dictator was watched a lifetime ago. Soon, Trump will again take his place on the world stage as our president. Here are some of the videos of his first administration. This is his attitude toward NATO.
The issue of treatment of immigrants on the Southern border is another type of ghettos.
Trump’s speech outlines how he views himself.
Then there is Trump’s promise to be a dictator for one day. Hannity opens the door for Trump’s assertion.
Watch the entire video of The Great Dictator. You will see the precursor of Trump.
This is the complete video of The Great Dictator.