The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
We Can Do Better

Before I begin this rant regarding the problems America is facing, I want to get all more cards on the table. We are facing a time unlike anything that have ever experienced. Half a century ago, things seemed simpler then. Back then, people were viewed more simplistically. They were “the good, the bad, and the ugly.”

The times have changed. Today, none of are perfect. We all share some of “the good, the bad, and the ugly.” Nonetheless, the mixture, of who is behaving ethically, tends to reflect that person’s dominant trait over the other two.

For example, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, took a surprising ethical stance in Trump’s administration. Sessions recused himself from the Russian investigation and Mueller’s probe.

It’s not looking good….

I admired Sessions’ guts to stand up to Donald the Dumb. For that short moment in time, he was noble. Nonetheless, most of his life was spent being a racist, a xenophobe, anti-immigrant, etc. For the time remaining before his ultimate judgement day, he will remain in the group of the bad…overwhelmingly unethical.

Another one that I thought had awakened and smell the roses was John Bolton. I wrote about Sessions and Bolton standing up to Donald the Dumb.

What did you just say?

There isn’t much of Bolton’s political beliefs that I share with him. However, when it was rumored that he might testify before the Congress impeachment investigation of Trump, I thought that he had seen the light. I could hardly believe that this neocon might testify. He takes notes more than Ebenezer Scrooge hoarded gold.

So, off to the Internet, I researched where Bolton found his ethical base. I discovered that Bolton’s mentor was Edmund Burke, a member of the British Parliament during the last half of the 18th century, Burke didn’t like how Britain was dealing with the American colonies, especially regarding taxation. That impressed me…for a moment in time.

When it came to acting like Burke, Bolton sheltered in place. While he had an opportunity to act not in the British Parliament but in Congress, he chickened out. Another British writer wrote, “A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once.” Shakespeare addressed sheltering in place in Julius Caesar. Burke wouldn’t condone acting like a coward. However, Bolton acted like Trump “inspecting” the underground bunker during the protests in Washington. After inspecting the bunker, he came out when all was clear. The next day, Trump courageously marches outside his bunker for a photo opt.

I couldn’t believe that Bolton was a coward. As it turned out, he wanted to wait until his memoir was released a couple of days ago on June 23rd. He wasn’t a chicken; he just wanted to make a lot of money. The Intelligence Committee of the House doesn’t pay big bucks to whistle-blowers. Bolton needs to reread his mentor, Burke, on ethics.

Bolton’s moneymaking memoir