Myanmar’s van Gogh
In my previous essay, I mentioned Than, my artist friend in Myanmar. A couple of days ago, I received an email from Moh Moh in which she had several photos of A Ngal Lay with my family. I forwarded Than her email with the photos with an offhand comment that he might recognize some of the people. It was meant as a joke since Than has done paintings for my granddaughters and also for A Ngal Lay.
I know them very well and I’m very pleased that they’ve hung my painting in their living room. I remember all.
Thanks again,
For me,still painting to achieve my goal, I send you some of my works of art during these period, please see and feel it.
If you want me something to do, please let me know anytime.
Wish you all the best
Yours Sincere,
Than @ Wai Le Linn
Than is a great artist; I don’t know any painter that can replicate Vincent van Gogh’s ability to do landscapes, portraits, and still lifes other than Than. Generally, painters specialize in one form or another media, not all three. He does watercolors, oils, and pen and ink drawings. Here are four works of Than that are in my home.

These are some of Than’s newest creations. Talk about memories of my three trips to Myanmar. I just sat there looking at his paintings.

I enjoyed looking at all of Than’s recent works. However, the last one of the train in the tunnel is my favorite. There are two tunnels at the end of the Goteik Viaduct. To be honest, I didn’t recall the two short tunnels after leaving the viaduct initially. Why didn’t I?
The train had to cross a half-mile-long viaduct, which measures in places nearly a half-mile from the tracks to the river below. It was a bit scary, just like the elephant ride that my three granddaughters and I took over the Myanmar Alps. The train ride bounced along just like we bounced around on the back of the elephant. However, falling off the elephant would be different than if the train fell off the viaduct and crashed into the river below. Equally worrisome is that the bridge was built in 1900.

This is a video someone took while crossing the Goteik Viaduct.
This is a video that I took of Ginger thanking Than for her portrait.
If you wish to contact the van Gogh of Myanmar, this is his email and mailing address.
Than Tun Oo’s email address:
His studio is No. 582 San Yeir Nyein Street
16 Quarter, Dagon North,
Yangon, Myanmar