Sins of Our Fathers
Gave Us the Orange President

Why is America in the mess it is today? In biblical times, writers used the expression the sins of the fathers to explain their troubling times. Today, the sins of our fathers relate to the sins of the Republicans in Congress. They saw the writing on the wall with Trump eight years ago, but most took a knee at him. I can think of only a handful of people still in Congress who called out Trump during his first term. Only three senators dared to stand up to Trump during Trump's second term. Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Sen Susan Collins have been consistently against Trump.

The only senator to join the dwindling few is Sen. Mumbling Mitch. He never stood up to Trump during either impeachment votes. The first time he voted not to confirm one of Trump’s nominees was last month. Mitch wasn’t close to being a leader until the bottom of the ninth.

Nonetheless, had 10 more Republicans voted to convict Trump during his second impeachment trial, we could have avoided the chaos we are facing today. However, while they all saw Trump’s psych disorders, they said or did nothing.

All of Trump’s psych disorders have their genesis with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). According to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), the following list constitutes the attributes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

  • A grandiose sense of self-importance (exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • Believing that they are "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  • Requiring excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement (unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with their expectations)
  • Being interpersonally exploitative (taking advantage of others to achieve their own ends)
  • Lacking empathy (unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others)
  • Often being envious of others or believing that others are envious of them
  • Showing arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Interestingly, all of the examples of NPD on the list relate directly to Trump. He has all of the symptoms of NPD. Trump feels inferior to other leaders or anyone else. Trump attempts to deal with his inferiority complex by lashing out at others who don’t adore him. Trump needs to have everyone kowtowing to him 24-7. Self-confirmation is found through the acclamation of others.

In ancient Greek mythology, Narcissus fell in love with himself while looking at himself in a pool of water.

Echo, the ancient nymph, was mesmerized by Narcissus, who was mesmerized by himself.

Echo, the ancient nymph, was mesmerized by Narcissus, who was mesmerized by himself.

Echo, the ancient nymph, was mesmerized by Narcissus, who was mesmerized by himself.

Talk about self-love. Narcissus couldn’t get people to affirm him. So, he loved himself. That is Trump in a nutshell. It is like being addicted to drugs or alcohol; one will never be satisfied. Trump wants everyone to admire him. Putin and Xi were on and off again as lovers. However, Kim Jong-un and Trump hit it off and are still a twosome.

Trump hates when people reject him as a lover or as president. If you jilt him, you are on his retribution list. Trump claimed more people came to his first inauguration than any other president in recorded history.

Obama crowd vs. Trump supporters

Obama crowd vs. Trump supporters

These two links are of a rehearsal and final speech addressing Jan 6.

Trump makes senseless claims that he is as great or better than Lincoln. In the real world, he is the worst of all our presidents.

Racism is a central issue facing our Narcissus-in-Chief. I get that he doesn’t like Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, ad infinitum. However, which group does Trump think he is a member of?

And the answer is....

And the answer is....

You decide. Here are several photos of Trump in the white/orange combo.

Compare his face and his hands.

Compare his face and his hands.

Another face and hands comparison

Another face and hands comparison

It is another Kierkegaardian Either/Or question.

It is another Kierkegaardian Either/Or question.

Perhaps Trump, our Narcissus-in-Chief, thinks that an orange spray makes him look like a macho man. I wonder whether his buddies and role models in Russia, China, and N. Korea would look better in orange-face.

Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin

Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping

Kim Jong-un

Kim Jong-un