Owen's Birthday Letters
From Charles Darwin, Vincent van Gogh, and Thomas Jefferson

Owen and Jack have received gifts for their birthdays and Christmas from famous people from all over the world.  Additionally, a signed letter accompanied the various gifts.  Interestingly, on this birthday, he received several gifts and letters from Charles Darwin, Vincent van Gogh, and Thomas Jefferson.  This letter is from Darwin:

screen screen screen

This is Owen opening Darwin's fossils.

Description: C:\Users\Owner\Pictures\1 Al Photos\376CANON\IMG_7865.JPG

This letter is from van Gogh:


This is Owen opening van Gogh's painting.

Description: C:\Users\Owner\Pictures\1 Al Photos\376CANON\IMG_7868.JPG

This letter is from Thomas Jefferson:


This is Owen opening Jefferson's gift.

Description: C:\Users\Owner\Pictures\1 Al Photos\376CANON\IMG_7862.JPG

The following photos are of Owen decorating his birthday cake, which was a blue combine harvester.  

Description: C:\Users\Owner\Pictures\1 Al Photos\376CANON\IMG_7878.JPG

Owen is mixing the blue color for the this combine harvester.

Description: C:\Users\Owner\Pictures\1 Al Photos\376CANON\IMG_7880.JPG

Chagall's clone begins his painting of his cake.

Description: C:\Users\Owner\Pictures\1 Al Photos\376CANON\IMG_7883.JPG

Now, for the four candles....

Description: C:\Users\Owner\Pictures\1 Al Photos\376CANON\IMG_7885.JPG

Could you speed up singing Happy Birthday?  I'm hungry.

Description: C:\Users\Owner\Pictures\1 Al Photos\376CANON\IMG_7891.JPG

Finally, I was starving.

Description: C:\Users\Owner\Pictures\1 Al Photos\376CANON\IMG_7894.JPG

My fork slows down my eating.

Description: C:\Users\Owner\Pictures\1 Al Photos\376CANON\IMG_7895.JPG

My face has what on it?

Links to the photos:

Campbell's Cooking Class

"Campbell's Cooking Class"

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