And the Darkseekers
I Am Legend is a sequel to Life is All About Your Owner’s Manual. Harrison Ford said, “Life doesn't come with an owner’s manual. We aren’t born with an owner’s manual; we must write our own.” Will Smith is a peridium of that mindset. I saw the movie in a theater years ago and several times on TV. However, I just saw it again recently while eating dinner with Ginger.
This time, watching the movie, it hit me like a sledgehammer. Our Orange President nominated his rivals for positions in his administration...rivals who have off-the-wall notions. RFK Jr. doesn’t like the measles vaccine. He suggests using cod liver oil instead of a vaccine to prevent measles, mumps, and rubella. The CDC recommends two shots of the measles vaccine for one-year-old children and the second for children between 4 and 6. They have no problems with cod liver oil improving the immune systems of those with a weak immune system, but not as a replacement for the measles vaccine.
Nevertheless, it has no preventative effect on measles. The CDC asserts that the first shot of measles produces a 93% effectiveness, and the second has a 97% effectiveness. Kennedy has no medical training.
Dr. Oz does have a medical degree. However, Trump wants him to be in charge of Medicare and Medicaid. Listen to senators question his medical judgment.
I Am Legend is about another physician, Robert Neville, played by Will Smith. Smith’s character is a virologist who is the only human still alive in NYC in a post-apocalyptic time.
I Am Legend’s storyline is about research for a cure for cancer, which mutated into a virus called Krippin Virus (KV). That pathogen killed 90% of all of humanity. Most of the humans still alive were called Darkseekers. Darkseekers were albinos and cannibal mutants. They would search for the 1% of the human population that had naturally acquired an immune system for the Krippin Virus and devour them.
Smith’s character lived alone in NYC but tried to contact anyone daily.
Despite the outside world's lack of response, he continues his research on KV using a couple dozen rats in his laboratory. He faces overwhelming odds against his attempt to cure the virus as he faces his own death. It is an intriguing duality. And yet, he isn’t deterred in his quest.
The comparisons between Smith’s character and the biblical story of Job are obvious. Job has lost everything and yet carries on. Another similarity is Tom Hanks in the movie Cast Away. Hanks is alone on a deserted island in a vast ocean.
I see myself as a 2025 version of I Am Legend. I, too, reach out to Americans to assist my family halfway around the world.

They live in a war-torn country. I feel precisely what Will Smith’s character felt in the movie.
I’m in a dilemma. On my journey down the yellow brick road of life, I have written to people like Carl Sagan, Sen. Paul Simon, Leo Buscaglia, Cory Aquino, Desmond Tutu, John Cleese, Dr. Thubten Jigme Norbu, and the list goes on and on. Whatever ideas or information I wanted, they supplied it for me. I’m honored by their help and encouragement, and I have used their suggestions.
However, in my twilight years, I have reached out to many people, some of whom I considered mentors. As I watched I Am Legend, it haunted me. I feel like I am crying in the vacant wilderness, and no one listens or cares.
If you want to grasp how I feel, listen to what John Adams sang in the musical 1776.
This video is of Dr. Offit, MD, at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. He is a member of the FDA's Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee. Dr. Offit is commenting on RFK Jr's lack of medical knowledge.