Trump's Mental State
What difference does it make that I disagree with nearly everything that Donald the Dumbs says and believes? At a superficial level, it doesn’t. Even identical twins will disagree with each other. However, with Donald the Dumb, it is radically different at another critically important level. Two months ago, I wrote about the psychological elephant in the room. It was a non-aggressive essay about Donald the Dumb’s belief about himself. As my grandmother said, “I love me. I think I'm grand. When I go to heaven, I'll hold my hand.” The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) categorizes narcissistic personality disorder (301.81) based upon various behavior criteria:
To have a psychiatrist or psychologist make a diagnosis of a psychological disorder, there must be a handful of criteria from this list, which apply to the client. I am neither a psychiatrist nor a psychologist but have been a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) for nearly two decades. A LMFT is much lower down the academic food chain than either a psychiatrist or psychologist. However, if I can see the parallels between a narcissistic personality disorder and Donald the Dumb’s abnormal behavior, then he surely suffers from that psych disorder. In fact, out of the above criteria, they all apply to Trump. A couple days ago, I happened upon an article from the Huffington Post about the Donald’s narcissistic personality disorder. Watch this video of a psychologist. Also, in the Huffington Post’s essay was an interview with a psychologist. Go to the Internet and google “trump narcissistic personality disorder diagnosis”. You will find nearly a half million sites. Only watch videos or read essays of psychiatrists or psychologists. This isn’t fake news. What is scary about this news is that the Donald isn’t mentally stable to be the president and the Commander-in-Chief. Imagine a person with narcissistic personality disorder with access to the nuclear football. The generals and admirals in the American military must be planning for the moment when ordered to unleash our nuclear arsenal. Visit the Donald the Dumb page to read more about this topic. Visit the Stupid is As Stupid Does page to read more about this topic. Visit the Connecting the Dots page to read more about this topic. 04/07/17 Follow @mountain_and_me |