An Old White Guy Explains Racism
Another Teaching Moment

America, “the land of the free,” began in 1619 bringing slaves to the British colony of Jamestown. However, over a half century before in 1565, the Spanish brought slaves to St. Augustine, FL. Regardless of the beginning date, slaves have been brought here for nearly as long as whites first arrived.

While the nativity of slavery was horrific, what was far worse was how Americans had discriminated against blacks during the history of our nation. One would have thought, one being a white person, that we would have seen this from of racism as wrong and stopped it centuries earlier. Frances Scott Key wrote the words to our National Anthem about America, which he saw as “the land of the free.” He wrote it during the War of 1814 between the British and the Americans. You would have thought that two centuries ago that we would have woken up.

During the 60s, I was in college and graduate school. It was a time when many Americans saw segregation as a moral and ethical wrong. While it was an exciting time for a young white guy, it is obvious to me that we haven’t progressed much in the last half century. That said, somethings have changed. We have changed the name of political leaders from types like George Wallace, Strom Thurmond, Orville Faubus to Donald Trump. Back then, they called themselves Dixiecrats. Today, they are called white supremacists. Either nomenclature reflects how they see themselves, which means white, as opposed to other minorities. This form of racial superiority can be seen at all levels of whites in America regardless of their education. That is true even among whites in the medical profession.

This is a black woman who died at the Indiana University Health North Hospital (IU North) in Indianapolis, IN on December 20th as a result of complications due to COVID-19. She is one of over 350,000 other deaths. This photo was taken long before she contracted the coronavirus.

Dr. Susan Moore

This woman’s name was Susan Moore. More precisely, she is Dr. Susan Moore, an internist. She did a video on December 4. It was related to her white doctor.

Why does this death remind me of another death of a black person, George Floyd?

I’m an old white guy, and I can see that these two videos are about racism, which has been systemic in America for over 400 years. Now, we need to change what we are doing to blacks.

This a teaching moment. There are only two reasons why racism is such a part of the mindset of so many white Americans. Either whites aren’t aware of racism, or they are racists. Either response needs to be addressed correctly and now.

Our fake president claimed that President Obama was from Africa. Well, the truth is that we are all from descendent of Africans. Aside from our common humanity, Trump isn’t concerned about the we. He doesn’t address anything that doesn’t affect himself. Trump is into me rather than we. Trump is the Narcissist-in-Chief.

This is the entire video of Dr. Susan Moore.