A Very Stable Genius
Is Loose and Running Around

Dr. John Gartner is a psychologist, writer, and former professor at Johns Hopkins University Medical School. I read Dr. John Gartner\'s article in Salon recently, “Biden\'s Brain is Aging. Trump\'s Brain is Dementing.” Gartner mentioned in his essay that many healthcare professionals think that Trump is a sociopath. Sociopathy is often called antisocial personality disorder. Those with this psych disorder don’t grasp right or wrong and don’t care about how others feel. That is an exact description of how Trump functions. He cares only about the Donald.

Is this a very stable genius?

Is this a very stable genius?

Gartner also assessed Trump as “a megalomaniac who believes that he is some type of god or messiah.” Perhaps that is why Donald the Dumb is selling Bibles.

Donald the Dumb has been reprimanded by Judge Merchan regarding making or writing statements about the jury, witnesses, court staff, and their families. Merchan put a gag on Trump to stop his endless denigrating of people connected to this trial.

Now, Donald the Dumb is really stupid, or he is afraid to testify in his own defense. You decide. Does our very stable genius have a very low IQ, or did he need an excuse not to testify?

Hear Trump's statement Judge Merchan corrected in court

Gartner and nearly all Americans know that Trump confuses names or words, which is called phonemic paraphasias. Listen to this example. Trump is trying to explain something about January 6th. Whatever the matter was, it was Nikki Haley’s fault. I don’t believe Haley was to blame for whatever. Methinks that Trump meant Nancy Pelosi.

This is our very stable genius talking about Biden, but he calls his Obama.

This is Newsweek’s montage of mistakes

This is another mistaken medley.

Here are some of his logical disconnect statements.

  • “But then the – then the virus came in and the world is a different place but we’re now getting back and one of the reasons the market’s doing so – it’s almost at the point that it was at prior to the plague – almost.”
  • “Human trafficking, one of the worst things ever, all at a level that it’s never been at – because of the Internet, you wouldn’t think – you’d think of it as an ancient statement.”
  • “And I hope you don’t mind cold office space in the winter and warm office space in the summer because your air conditioning is not the same as the good old days.”
  • “But if we did – think of this, if we didn’t do testing – instead of testing over 40 million people, if we did half the testing we’d have half the cases. If we did another – you cut that in half, we’d have yet again half of that.”

Okay. So, Trump was elected due to the Electoral College vote, not the popular vote. Clinton got 2.9 million more votes than Trump. While Trump is loose and running around, why haven’t many of his minions discovered that he is not a very stable genius? Either they have been glued to Fox News and are oblivious to Trump not being a stable genius, or they need to schedule an appointment with Dr. Gartner.